Once again, everyone at Clarity Simplicity Limited wishes everyone very well at these trying times.
We’ll begin by letting you know that this is only the first of what will hopefully become several articles which we will issue to you as matters progress. It won’t only be at the time of Covid that we do this. This, as far as we are concerned at Clarity Simplicity, is our business striding into the future.
Of course for everyone it has been far from easy but the purpose of this article is a message published because we want to keep everyone up to date with where we as a business are and what that means for you as our client and potential client. We want you to know the various positives that have come from Covid and where we are heading to in the future.
But first of all, just a little bit about how things have been since 17TH March 2020 when we made the call to protect our staff and you by moving to home working. Like everyone else we did not know what was going to happen. Both Emma and I have monitored, with the assistance of our fantastic team at Clarity Simplicity, everything connected with the business including but not limited to our service levels, our staffing, our inbound business levels and our cashflow which of course is the lifeblood of any business. Like any business, times have been tough. We are delighted to say that over the past four months our team at Clarity Simplicity have been immense. They’ve coped admirably with the significant changes that have been caused both to their personal and working lives.
As we now enter into the latter stages of phase three of the Government’s recovery process, and at the time of issuing this article to you, all three of our offices at Woodlands Road, Glasgow; at Regwood Street in Shawlands and at Main street, East Kilbride remain closed to the public. But soon, and always in line with government guidance, we will be opening our offices for everyone.
The time which has now since passed has caused us to pause and reflect. We feel that it would be just so wrong to simply resume ‘business as usual’. We, you and the world has undergone a massive change and we need to be able to learn, grow and develop in light of that.
We have used the past four months to constantly speak to our staff, and where possible our clients, to obtain feedback on lessons learned. Those responses, together with our own experiences, has caused us to decide on the lessons that we want to take forward.
Absolutely the most positive lesson we have learned is the strength and adaptability of our team and our working processes. With almost no notice, and a week prior to the UK announcement of lockdown, we moved exclusively to home working. Despite that, and from all accounts, our service levels remained at our consistently high levels and they have throughout.
Our experiences are that the ability to work from home has worked, not only as an interim measure, but in fact so well that we want to make sure it’s very much part of our future. By working from home our staff report a better work/life balance, we have a lesser environmental impact by cutting our collective requirement to commute but, most importantly, our clients find us more accessible than ever before.
In light of this, and as we come to open our offices again, we have taken the decision not to renew our lease at our Regwood Street office, Shawlands. This will leave us with our offices at Woodlands Road and East Kilbride together with the ability to hold meetings in Edinburgh. In retaining those offices, we consider that we are giving as wide a geographical spread as we can.
Our clients have been telling us in abundance over the past few months about how much easier it has been to contact our Solicitors through the remote channels of the telephone, Zoom calls, SKYPE calls, WhatsApp videos and FaceTime. Now, we were always set up to provide these services for clients but Covid has positively taught us all how we can work differently and this greater emphasis, borne out of necessity, has become the norm but the very positive norm, for us.
In the past weeks and months since March 2020 we have become so much more efficient. We are able to offer more appointments to clients because we no longer have to drive to and from offices; we no longer have to drive to and from meetings; and as a result of that we have managed to improve immensely our time management throughout the course of the working day. This is something that we are absolutely determined to continue in what we are calling the new version of Clarity Simplicity Solicitors moving into the tail end of 2020 and beyond.
For you we want you to know that we consider that there is in fact actually a new office location where you can speak to our Solicitors. With the benefit of video technology, that new office location is your own living room or own bedroom or somewhere in your own home or really wherever you wish and is convenient to you. We will continue to offer contact with our Solicitors through all of the means that we have been communicating over the past three months. We have been listening to our clients and we think this is what our clients want not just now but well into the future.
We always welcome feedback and after reading this if you have any comments to make, be those positive or negative, but always constructive, we will always listen. Please do arrange to contact us at the details below.
Thank you.
Contact Simplicity Legal today in Glasgow, East Kilbride & Edinburgh
If you want any sort of guidance whatsoever then we are here to make it as convenient and as easy for you to do. Simply call us on {{CONTACT_NUMBER}} or email me at [email protected]. Keep safe, keep well, and many thanks.