If you are aware of someone who is experiencing memory loss and looking to help people with dementia, there are many things you should consider while doing so. Caring for a loved one can be challenging and overwhelming, hence it is crucial to consider speaking to your GP regarding the next steps and your power of attorney who can help you handle the legalities of the process. The solicitors at Clarity Simplicity can help you handle your finances and ensure your will is up to date. This blog is a dementia guide with all the necessary information for anyone going through the process.

How to talk to someone who shows signs of dementia

It might be challenging to bring up the subject of memory loss and the potential for dementia when someone has dementia. A person who is displaying these symptoms may be perplexed, unaware of them, anxious, or in denial.

You should think about the following things before engaging someone you’re worried about in conversation:

  • have become aware of the early signs and symptoms of dementia
  • believe that their issues are a normal part of aging,
  • are concerned about what the changes could signify, and
  • feel that getting help won’t be helpful

You should also think about if you are the best person to discuss their memory issues with.

If you do decide to speak with them, pick a comfortable, non-threatening setting. For the conversation to flow naturally, make sure you give yourself plenty of time.

In case the diagnosis is dementia

Although receiving a dementia diagnosis might be shocking, many people with dementia eventually learn to embrace it. This is so that they can understand their symptoms more clearly and take the first step in receiving the aid and care they require and plan for the future.

Caring for someone with dementia and being a carer can be overwhelming, but there is help and support available. Receiving a diagnosis can empower those who have dementia—as well as their carer (loved ones and friends)—to take charge of their condition and make future plans. If you think someone is diagnosed with dementia, you can encourage them to see their GP and get care and support from health and social care professionals.

Take action before dementia progresses

If you know of a friend or relative who has a diagnosis of dementia, you can learn about the preventative steps that you can take right now to lessen the likelihood of them going to the critical stages of dementia in later life.

Age and family history are the two key variables that are beyond our control. However, there are effective measures to lower our or a loved one’s chance of acquiring dementia in the future and support a healthy brain. It’s a good idea to maintain regular exercise, a balanced diet, and brain stimulation. In order to lessen the chance of cognitive decline, the obvious connection between diabetes and dementia and the significance of treating and controlling it. The possibility that our society would one day be dementia-free was very heartening.

Talk to your loved one and encourage them to see a GP

Early detection of dementia can often halt the disease’s progression, allowing the affected individual to retain their mental capacity for a longer period of time. A suggestion that you go with your friend or family to the doctor with them can be helpful for them. In this approach, you can help people remember what was discussed after the meeting.

Dementia is diagnosed by doctors after thoroughly evaluating the patient and ruling out any other disorders that could be the source of the same symptoms. A set of tests will be performed by a general practitioner or a physician with expertise in memory issues to determine whether there is another possible cause for the issues. The medical professional will also want to go over how the symptoms have changed over time.

Finding help and support – the legal basics

It’s reassuring to think that you may be able to influence some parts of your long-term health, and you may even be able to influence some areas of your future. It’s crucial to consider how you can provide for your family, safeguard your intentions, and accumulate wealth, as well as the actions that may be performed right away to make this possible in the future. You may take two crucial actions right away to make sure that everything is in order for you and your family.

Which are:

  • Make certain your will is up to date.
  • establishing a joint power of attorney for finances and welfare

You and your family will feel more secure knowing that you and your power of attorney have authority over your finances both now and in the future. There are several frequent misconceptions about powers of attorney that you should be aware of as they might include authority over your personal well-being.

It is definitely worthwhile doing the same for your personal legal documents if you are proactive about taking care of your cognitive health. Focus on the features of dementia that we can influence instead of the things we will never change. If you are worried someone has dementia, it would be helpful to get help from a power of attorney and ensure that you secure your future and be ready to face what’s to come. It is best to take action at the early signs of dementia.