Halls have been transformed into homes, Freshers Week is over, and the real work needs to begin. A new group of young people has begun their university careers.

The present living costs affects everyone, especially students. Unbelievably, many students are voicing concerns about how they will pay their bills. The cost of living while in college is high, as are the costs of food, books, gym, club, and society dues, as well as socialising. All of it adds up. It becomes a task to make ends meet.

Even while the majority of students will take on some part-time job to supplement their income, even that amount, along with any student loans, may not be enough to cover their basic expenses. Some people in hardship may then resort to the reliable “Bank of Parents,” but are parents required to assist or is it just out of goodwill?

In Scotland, if a kid is “reasonably and suitably undergoing instruction at an educational establishment, or training for employment or for a trade, profession, or vocation,” their parents are legally required to provide for them financially between the ages of 18 and 25. This is referred to as aliment.

How is aliment calculated?

The amount payable depends on a number of factors, including:

– the needs and resources of the young person;

– the needs and resources of their parents;

– attempts made by the young person to obtain part-time work;

– whether the young person will remain living at home with one or both parents;

– generally, all circumstances of the case as every family is different.

How is ailment purchased?

Maintenance for children under the age of 18 is paid directly to them, as opposed to child maintenance, which is paid by the “paying parent” (also known as the “contact parent”) to the “receiving parent” (also known as the “resident parent”). There is a change in the paying connection; now, it is paid by the parent to the child rather than between the parents.

How are ailment regulated?

The Child Maintenance Service oversees the provision of financial support for children under the age of 18. You can find a useful calculator on their website. However, the court continues to have jurisdiction over disputes involving maintenance for young adults (18 to 25).

Can the amounts change?

If a sum is decided upon, whether through private discussion or court order, it may be changed if the child or either parent experiences a “substantial change in circumstances.” This could involve a number of things, such as a job loss, illness, or a significant rise in monthly expenses. A new price would need to be agreed upon and any such adjustment would need to be vouched (confirmed with paperwork, bank statements, etc.).

Any such agreement should be in writing, through the use of a Minute of Agreement. The Agreement would become enforceable after being signed by all parties.

It may also specify extra terms like the monthly payment date’s confirmation, yearly hikes to keep pace with CPI, and the payment of interest on overdue amounts. When you consider the anticipation of entering college and the need to maintain good relations with your family, it might be difficult to handle this situation. Although it is intended that most families will agree to any financial support in advance, there are a few instances where that isn’t possible. These families can ask the sheriff to decide the case, but that should only be done as a last resort. Consider attending mediation if a solution cannot be found over dinner at the kitchen table.

It may also include other conditions like the confirmation of the monthly payment date, annual increases to keep up with CPI, and the payment of interest on past-due sums. It may be challenging to address this issue when you take into account the desire to attend college and the requirement to keep good connections with your family. The majority of families are expected to consent to any financial support in advance, however there are a few situations where it isn’t possible. The sheriff can be consulted by these families to make a decision, but that should only be done as a very last resort.


If a resolution to the cost-of-living crisis cannot be reached over supper at the kitchen table, think about going to mediation.