Shared Custody Arrangements Prove Less Stressful for Children

A new study has found that shared custody arrangements between separated parents can be much less stressful for children than living full-time with one parent. It highlighted that shared custody in this case means the sharing of physical custody, where the child lives for a roughly equal time with each parent in their separate households….

Insight into Marriage, Civil Partnership and Adoption in Scotland

National Records of Scotland (NRS) has published ‘Scotland’s Population 2016 – the Registrar General’s Annual Review of Demographic Trends’. The Annual Review has been published every year since 1855 and gives an insight into the changing demographic profile of Scotland. The report also includes new data about births, adoptions, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships registered…

Judge Gives Ruling on Millionaire Couple’s Divorce Settlement

A high court judge in London has recently given his decision in the long-running divorce dispute between millionaire couple Khoo Kay Peng and Pauline Chai, reports the Guardian. The couple had been married for 42 years, but their relationship eventually came to an end in 2012. Khoo is the non-executive chair of Laura Ashley, and…