Suzi Ralston

Suzi Ralston – Enquiries Co-Ordinator

Inspiring Quote

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

Mission statement: To do the best I can in life to be as honest and open as possible … Be honest to yourself that’s what counts.

How did you end up in this role?

Honestly due to an old friend who knew Billy and felt I would fit in well with the team and obviously knew my love of chattering on the phone to all and sundry … I try not to think she meant Nosey!!!

What do you love most about your job?

Helping People start their journey to being in a happier more secure position… The Crazy Team around me make work a positive happy place to be!

How do you do what you do?

With a smile, a kindly phrase and a love for helping people.

About Suzi

Suzi comes from a large family in Northern Ireland. Her working life started at 16 as Classroom assistant in a Prep School following the same career path as her Mum. Suzi then trained at Norland Nursery Training College and spent nearly 20 years travelling worldwide in a career she loved.

She then was very lucky to fall into another job in the Fashion industry which she excelled in, working with the likes of John Lewis, Harrods and House of Fraser as well as smaller Independent retailers. Now working with the Legal profession another change in direction has happened and again a challenge she really enjoys.

Personal Information

Having spent 20 plus years as a Nursery Nurse I love nothing more than spending time with my nieces and nephews both real and “adopted”. Mind you I also love just as much handing them back to their Parents and heading home to a peaceful flat or out with friends and a large vino !! Embarking on a health kick just now so watch this space … bike has been bought… new photo soon!! Upholstery hobby also being embarked on so watch out for your sofas!!!

Enquiries Co-Ordinator

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 0141 423 7648

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