We asked Shannon about her role as Senior Solicitor and Team Leader at Simplicity Legal.

How long have you been in this role?

I have been a Team Leader since September 2020 and a Senior Solicitor since February 2021.

What is the favourite part of your role?

By far my favourite part of the role is achieving successful outcomes for my clients. Everything doesn’t always go to plan, but good working relationships and effective communication are key to achieving the best outcome possible.

What do you like most about working for Simplicity Legal

This is an easy one – our team. I come into work each day knowing I will be supported and that I am valued. I work with genuine friends which, in a job which can be stressful, is priceless.

What skills do you find most useful in doing your role?

My ability to organise and to be consistent are the most useful skills. There are various different pulls on our time and so ensuring that we prioritise and have a system for working efficiently is essential.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?

My favourite thing to do is travel so I am not fussy – I would go pretty much anywhere!

What is your proudest achievement?

Professionally speaking my proudest achievement is seeing our trainees thrive and knowing that I played a small part in that. We are very lucky to have incredible trainees and younger staff members and they work so hard to achieve their goals. Watching the puzzle pieces fall into place when you teach them is so rewarding.

What do you enjoy doing when not working?

I spend most of my free time with friends and family. When I have time off of work I try and cram in as many trips away as possible.

Who do you admire most and why?

My parents – they gave me everything I have and support me in all I do. What more can you ask for?

How would your team colleagues describe you?

A dangerous question!! I would like to think they would say “helpful”.