The upward trend in the number of ‘grey divorces’ appears to be continuing, according to a new survey from the United States.

The survey of American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyer (AAML) members found that 64% of respondents reported an increase in divorce cases among couples more than 50-years of age.

The top three items most commonly fought over during these cases were apparently “alimony”, which was mentioned by 83% of respondents, “retirement accounts and pensions” by 62% and “business interests” by 60%.

“A rising divorce rate is becoming a very consistent trend with the Baby Boomer generation,” commented Joslin Davis, president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.  “As people live longer, their relationships can change in some very dramatic ways, but spouses within this age range also need to be extremely mindful about the complexities of negotiating key issues involving spousal support and retirement accounts.”

In comparison to the 64% of AAML members who have seen an increase in the number of divorces during the past three years, only 1% saw a decrease.  In addition to the top three items selected as the issues most often fought over, the next three most common choices selected were “house and other real estate holdings” at 51%, followed by “college expenses” at 11% and then 7% choosing “other.”

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