Nicole Arthur

Nicole Arthur - Clan Support

Inspiring Quote

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do”

Mission statement: Relax. You’re in Good Hands.

How did you end up in this role?

I love a challenge. I was in retail for many years and decided to have a career change. I noticed clarity simplicity were looking for an Administration Assistant and decided to take the leap and apply for the job. Now I am enjoying both the career change and working for a great company.

What do you love most about your job?

I enjoy my daily workload and learning new things.

How do you do what you do?

I provide support to all solicitors in the office by making sure all work given to me is executed in a timely manner. I also welcome our clients into the office on their entrance.

About Nikki

Nikki joined Clarity Simplicity Limited in November 2017 and is settling in well to her new role in the company. Nikki came into the company after many years of being a manager in retail. This was a new challenge for Nikki and she seems to have took the role in her stride and is learning more and more about the company every day.

Personal Information

I enjoy spending quality time with my family and also socialising with friends.

Clan Support

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0141 471 9038
Fax: 0141 423 7648

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