David Irvine

David Irvine - Administrator

Inspiring Quote

“If you’re going to do it do it well”.

Mission statement: Relax. Your File is in Good Hands.

How did you end up in this role?

Having taken early retirement I quickly realised that I needed something to focus on. After a couple of temporary positions I ended up here, the rest is history.

What do you love most about your job?

The day-to-day routine has never been a chore for me and I apply the same mind set to whatever task is set for me. I do enjoy getting tasks thrown at me that are not quite routine.

How do you do what you do?

I think I am fairly logical and methodical and apply that thinking to all tasks.

About David

David spent most of his adult working life in the financial and legal sector with Sheriff Officers then a Debt Recovery firm, taking early retirement in 2015. After a couple of months sitting on the couch he realised he needed a focus in life and started looking for another job. After temporary night shift positions with Royal Mail and Clydesdale Bank before joining BMI Ross Hall, where he met the Mother of one of the Directors. David joined the firm in February 2017.

Personal Information

Leading a very sedate life I enjoy reading, films and music.


Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0141 471 9038
Fax: 0141 423 7648

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