We are not exaggerating when we state that January is THE Divorce month of the year. January has informally come to be associated with divorce in recent years. The next “Divorce Day” will be on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.
Over 25% more divorce-related search searches were made on Google between December 2020 and January 2021. However, it is not a new phenomenon; divorce-related search phrases soar every January, rising year over year. A new study has revealed that one in five couples consider separation in January due to the pressure created over the Christmas period.
According to reports couples separating or divorce filings peak in January are 27% and are higher than the average of divorces seen throughout the rest of the year in the UK. Such reports have led the media to refer to January as Divorce Month with the first working day of the month often being the busiest day of the year for solicitors with many people filing for divorce.
Reasons for Divorce Day in January
There are a number of reasons for the rise in the number of January divorces seen according to experts. It is perhaps natural that people do not want to go through a divorce, which can often be painful, around the festive period, thus some people wait and delay the process for as long as possible, often opting to have one last Christmas together before deciding to begin proceedings. Another factor according to some is the fact that the New Year offers the perfect opportunity for couples opting to split up. On the other hand, for many people, the Christmas period is the last resort to try and save the relationship with some people hoping that more time together will make the relationship last.
However, the stress of Christmas can often damage the relationship further. If a couple has been experiencing difficulties in their relationship, then spending time with each other and their children for the first time in months can make them realize the extent of their problems. The pressure of having cousins, parents-in-law, and friends visit or stay can also magnify relationship problems.
These are the many reasons for divorces:
Christmas festive has already passed.
Not everyone believes that the holiday season is the most magical time of the year. During the holidays, people often receive a sobering reminder that their marriage isn’t what they would like it to be or that they are already considering divorcing.
Divorcees can wait for many holidays, including Christmas, New Year’s, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa since they can manage the stress of the festive season. However, these holidays come with high expectations. To give the family, especially the children, a “normal” and joyful holiday season before divorcing, stressed spouses often stay together during Christmas.
Christmas decorations and other holiday-related items tend to have strong links with childhood and are more likely to evoke sentiments of nostalgia, according to additional research by psychiatrist Steve McKeown. Either to reflect on simpler times or to make up for the past.
The holiday rose-coloured glasses have been removed.
As many of us do, unhappy couples who are having trouble making their marriage work around the holidays also have a tendency to experience the joy of the season. In January, the situation starts to become more and more real.
After exhibiting images of holiday themes to two sets of people (one group celebrates Christmas, the other doesn’t) while they underwent a brain scan, a Danish researcher named Brand Haddock discovered something interesting. The findings suggest that when people who celebrate Christmas were shown images with holiday themes, the front of their brains is lit up.
Christmas decorations and other holiday-related items tend to have strong links with childhood and are more likely to evoke sentiments of nostalgia, according to additional research by psychiatrist Steve McKeown. Either to reflect on simpler times or to make up for the past.
What could possibly go wrong when nostalgia and the enchantment of Christmas are combined?
One of the reasons why people frequently try to patch up their marriages around the holidays—or simply choose to stay together and hope for the best—is because of this. Unfortunately, January is quickly approaching, and with it, you must say “hello” to “real life.”
The Holidays may increase thoughts of divorcing.
On the other hand, the strain of the holiday season might potentially lead to relationship failure. Dr. Rutledge stated that “holidays frequently generate unrealistic assumptions about what the holidays should “be like,” and that can heighten feelings of anxiety and despair. With the addition of social media, you might begin to think that everyone else is leading an ideal life filled with ideal connections.
The CEO of Relate, the largest relationship charity in the UK, Aidan Jones, stated: “Christmas and the holidays may put a couple under extreme emotional and financial strain. Every January, Relate sees a 58% increase in website visitors and a 13% increase in calls. A disaster can result from romanticizing Christmas, meeting extended relatives, or taking into account the financial hardship of the holidays.
Rarely is it just one of these things; more often than not, it’s a combination of several reasons, but that doesn’t make the conflicts any less real. As a result, tensions increase, and thoughts of divorce become more prominent.
New Year, New Me: New Year’s Resolutions for a couple
The holiday season is a time for reflection, and divorce is significantly influenced by the New Year’s resolution trend.
After the new year, many individuals tend to make changes in their lives, and for some, this may involve ending an unhappy marriage.
Those who have been thinking of divorcing could get the push they need from the pressure of a New Year’s resolution.
Ahead of us lies the end of the tax year.
When married couples decide to divorce, they want it over with as fast as possible. Even while a divorce typically takes between four and six months, in the worst-case situation, it may take years.
If the divorce is finalised before the end of the tax year, either spouse may transfer assets to the other without incurring any tax liability. Such transfers cause the imposition of capital gains tax (CGT) on any hypothetical (estimated) gain made by the transferor after the tax year.
Many persons seeking a divorce in January decide that now is the time to get things moving as there are only three months left until the end of the tax year (5th April).
So, is it true that January really is the divorce month?
No, and yes. Let’s elaborate… It’s true that January is the month of divorce, but not in the way you may think.
What is more likely to occur is that people have been contemplating divorce for months, but January is usually the turning point when they decide to start working toward a better version of themselves.
Unfortunately, the majority of divorces don’t occur until far after January. First things first: figuring out how to handle the processes, the legalese, and different personal factors.
Simply because the legal aspect of separation usually begins in March, one could argue that this is the true divorce month.
Getting started in the new year
We now know that January is “divorce decision” month. This implies that for many of you, this is the final push needed to make a difficult choice.
We at Fair Result have personal experience with divorce, and we want to be there for you if and when you decide to go through with it. Our goal is to make the divorce process as simple and stress-free as we can given rising prices and strained relationships.
We are aware of the difficulties and the emotional strain that accompany divorce. We have developed a special method that will provide you with a just outcome.
Obtaining a Divorce: Scotland
There are two grounds for divorce that can be cited if you wish to begin divorce proceedings in Scotland. These are:
- the marriage has broken down irretrievably
- one of the partners in the marriage has an interim gender recognition certificate.
If you are getting divorced because your marriage has broken down irretrievably you or your partner will have to show that the marriage no longer exists on a permanent basis. It is possible to show that the relationship has broken down by citing the reasons below.
- Your partner has behaved unreasonably
- Adultery
- You’ve lived apart for at least one year and you both agree to the divorce
- You’ve lived apart for at least two years but one of you doesn’t agree to the divorce.
Unreasonable behaviour can include mental or physical cruelty, including violence or abuse, and less obvious things like dominating a partner, not letting the partner leave the home or speak to neighbours and friends, or refusing to pay for housekeeping
Getting a Divorce Glasgow: Contact Us
We understand that going through a divorce can be a stressful and difficult time for all of those involved, however, we aim to make the process as simple and stress-free as possible. Our group of family law experts will help you get out of an unhealthy marriage and start the process by making it less stressful. If you wish to get a divorce or are considering beginning proceedings, contact our divorce lawyer today using our online contact form.