Simplicity Legal is committed to delivering excellent service to our clients. The Firm recognises that facing a legal problem or dispute can be daunting, particularly for those who have never encountered the Scottish legal system before. We therefore strive to ensure that from the moment that you make contact with Simplicity Legal, that you are greeted by a friendly, helpful and down-to-earth member of the Client Services Team Keir McGill.

Client Services Team – Keir McGill

Keir will do his utmost to help our clients, and ensure that we provide them with a path to resolution as quickly as possible. 

Sinead Machin, Associate Solicitor and Team Manager has commented “I have worked at Simplicity Legal for a number of years now and I recognise how important delivering excellent service is for our clients and for our business, I am therefore beyond delighted to work together with Keir to ensure that from the word “go” our clients are treated with respect and dignity in difficult times, and that their enquiries are handled as friendly and as effectively as possible.”