Jakub - Simplicity Legal Solicitors Glasgow, East Kilbride, Scotland

Jakub Novak

Jakub Novak Jakub – Administrative Apprentice About Jakub Jakub has had various work experience ranging from a Kitchen Porter, Part Inspector/Machine Operator, to becoming an IT Trainer/Engineer for vulnerable adults. Jakub also manages administrative duties for his parents business on the side. Jakub is fresh out of college, he has completed 2 years’ worth of…

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Family Law, Conveyancing and Litigation Lawyers based in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland. Whether you are going to court or seeking to settle the matter amicably with your partner, we can help minimise the damage and distress for you and your family during this difficult time. At Simplicity, we provide a range of family law services…

Suzi Ralston - Simplicity Legal Solicitors Glasgow, East Kilbride, Scotland

Suzi Ralston

Suzi Ralston Suzi Ralston – Enquiries Co-Ordinator Inspiring Quote “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Mission statement: To do the best I can in life to be as honest and open as possible … Be honest to yourself that’s what counts. How…