Legal Advice for Landlords Scotland Solicitor – Tenant Dispute

Legal Advice for Landlords Scotland Solicitor – Tenant Dispute

Every day, a variety of tenancy advice is provided by our knowledgeable professionals, who together possess unparalleled knowledge and technical skill in Scottish Tenancy Law. From establishing a rental agreement to ending one, we offer a full range of legal services related to tenancy management in Scotland. Throughout Scotland, we represent local governments, private landlords,…

How to Deal with anti-social Behaviour Tenants – Solicitor Scotland

How to Deal with anti-social Behaviour Tenants – Solicitor Scotland

Landlords will frequently encounter tenants who engage in anti-social behaviour (ASB). If internal policies have been exhausted and the tenant’s conduct has stayed the same, this article presents a variety of strategies for addressing ASB.   Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBO) – Scotland An Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) is a preventative measure that can be implemented…

Eviction Grounds in Scotland for Tenant: Essential Information

Eviction Grounds in Scotland for Tenant: Essential Information

Navigating the terrain of eviction laws in Scotland can be a tricky affair for solicitors. Ensuring compliance with these laws while balancing the rights and obligations of both landlords and tenants within a private residential tenancy is paramount. In Scotland, the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 introduced comprehensive changes, aiming to offer security, stability,…

Assessment of council tax and second homes in Scotland

Assessment of council tax and second homes in Scotland

During April 2023, the majority of households in Scotland had a 5% rise in council tax, which was consistent with the rises seen in council tax in England. It was anticipated that similar increases would occur in the subsequent year. The surprise declaration by the First Minister at the SNP Conference, to implement a freeze…

Understanding Uninsured Risks in Commercial Leases: Essential Information for Landlords and Tenants

Understanding Uninsured Risks in Commercial Leases: Essential Information for Landlords and Tenants

In the realm of commercial leases, the concept of uninsured risks carries significant weight for both landlords and tenants. Understanding these risks and their implications is crucial for effective lease management. Let’s delve into the intricacies of uninsured risks and explore key considerations for both parties. Insured Risks: Information for Landlords and Tenants A Foundation…

Improving the accessibility, adaptation, and usability of residential properties in Scotland

Improving the accessibility, adaptation, and usability of residential properties in Scotland

Currently, new homes constructed by Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and local authorities, with the assistance of grant funds, must adhere to construction regulations and meet the minimal design criteria outlined as “basic” in the Housing for Varying Needs Design Guide. The design characteristics labelled as “desirable” should be incorporated whenever feasible. Purchases of newly constructed…

Commercial Leases

Having the right property plays a large part in the success of a business. Our experienced Commercial Conveyancing Solicitors in Glasgow, Edinburgh and throughout Scotland can advise both landlords and tenants on various aspects of commercial conveyancing to help you make the most of your premises. Fixed Fee Leasing a business premises in Scotland Our…