Domestic abuse victims increasingly refused right to stay in the UK

Recent reports have shown that the refusal rate for DVA (Domestic Violence and Abuse) victims applying to stay in the UK has more than doubled between 2012 and 2016 since the government announced their intentions to put in place more measures against illegal immigration. A new rule, enabling immigrants entering the UK on a spousal…

Upcoming developments within Scottish family law shows greater protection for children and their rights

Earlier this month, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced twelve new Bills as part of the Scottish Government’s legislative programme (2018-19). Among these Bills, the new Family Law Bill is expected to make a number of changes to Scottish family law in order to provide further protection for domestic abuse victims in contact or residence cases….

Couples Urged to be More Open about Financial Matters

Many couples find it difficult to talk about their financial affairs, including debt levels with each other, new research has revealed. According to the study from Direct Line Life Insurance, 8.3 million (16%) Brits have debts their partner knows nothing about. In fact, over 460,000 people wouldn’t have even started a relationship with their current…

Report Reveals Latest Child Maintenance Service Activities

The Department for Work and Pensions recently published a report which gives an interesting insight into the workload of the Child Maintenance Service during the first quarter of 2018. The Child Maintenance Service (CMS) was introduced in December 2012 as part of the Government’s Child Maintenance Reforms. It replaced the Child Support Agency (CSA) and…

Court of Justice Gives Ruling on Rights of Access

The Court of Justice of the European Union has given its judgment in a case involving ‘rights of access’ to children. The case involved Ms Neli Valcheva, who is a Bulgarian national and the maternal grandmother of a child born in 2002. Since his parents’ divorce, the child has been habitually resident in Greece with…

Technology Use Can Cause Tension in Relationships

Many people today depend on devices to stay connected with their friends and family, and the same is true for those in relationships. However, new research has highlighted that this reliance on devices can cause trouble within a relationship. According to the study by Kaspersky Lab, couples today frequently use devices and online messaging services…

Research Dispels Myth that Marital Satisfaction Declines Over Time

Contrary to popular belief, marital happiness actually increases over time rather than deteriorates, new research from the US has revealed. Paul R. Amato from Pennsylvania State University and James Spencer from Brigham Young University looked at data collected from 1,617 married individuals between the ages of 18 and 55. Their analysis focused on three different…

Couples Advised to Pay More Attention to ‘Emotional Clues’

Marriages have a greater chance of success when spouses are able to identify when their partner is feeling sad or down, new research has found. According to the study from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, most married couples are good at knowing when their partner is happy, but are less successful at picking up more negative…

Marrying Early Can Be a Risk to Relationship Success

Recent research from Canada has found that the happiest marriages tend to be found amongst couples who married at the same time or later than the majority of their peers, rather than amongst couples who married early. The study, by researchers at the University of Alberta, set out to discover “the optimal age for marriage…