
What are my rights if my partner dies without a will?

My cohabitant has died without a will – what are my rights? Where there is no will, a surviving unmarried partner is not automatically entitled to receive money from their deceased cohabitant’s estate. This can make it more challenging to go through a difficult moment. The surviving cohabitant may ask the court for financial support…


In what circumstances can an executor raise a court action on behalf of an estate?

When does an executor have the right to file a lawsuit on behalf of the estate of a deceased person? This was recently discussed in the matter of Riddell v. Arcus Solutions (Holdings) Ltd. before the Sheriff Court. Whether or not the executor has been formally chosen—either by the decedent in a will or by…


Divorce Month 2023: January is the Peak Time for Divorce

We are not exaggerating when we state that January is THE Divorce month of the year. January has informally come to be associated with divorce in recent years. The next “Divorce Day” will be on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Over 25% more divorce-related search searches were made on Google between December 2020 and January 2021….


Adoption: FAQs

In this blog, we aim to answer some of the frequently asked questions about the adoption process for those who wish to adopt a child. Am I too old to adopt? No, there is no upper age limit to adopt. To adopt, you must be 21 years old or older. The natural parent must be…


Importance of the sibling relationship in Adoption and Permanence Cases

Throughout our careers, we have seen, read about and helped people and couples adopt children, but have rarely heard a story about a sibling group adoption. Although rare, there have been instances where siblings are placed together, where the adoptive family keep brothers and sisters together and adopts them both, or a whole group to…


Christmas is usually a time for celebration for families

However, it can be heartbreaking for separated parents and their children. Here are some things that can help Contact arrangements can be the cause of a lot of conflicts and upset during the Christmas period. One of the questions that our solicitors are most often asked is how children should split their time between parents….


The process of adoption – steps parents

The definition of a “family” is forever evolving. Society has long moved on from the idea that a family involves a married couple and their biological children. However, although a 21st-century family can take various shapes, parental rights and responsibilities only lie with those legally entitled to them. If an individual wishes to formalise their…