
Why you should talk to your children about separation and divorce

As family lawyers, we recognise the value of communication. We are aware that a client and their child may be dealing with trying circumstances that could harm their mental health. Younger children need reassurance and special care during this period. We assist them in settling separation-related legal concerns. When it comes to the subject of…


The process for child custody and residence disputes in Glasgow

In our experience as family and child law solicitors in Glasgow who counsel clients on a daily basis, the procedures involved in resolving disputes are among the most commonly asked issues by clients. For the vast majority of people who hire a lawyer to resolve a dispute over a child’s residency or contact, it will…


Child Contact: April is Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month, and as family lawyers, we frequently help people who are struggling with a variety of challenging problems, both emotional and otherwise, when a relationship has ended. One issue that frequently raises concern is the arrangements for any children of the partnership to have contact with the non-resident parent. Children with…


Update On Cohabitation Law

The Scottish Law Commission released its “Report on Cohabitation” on November 2, 2022. Following a protracted consultation process with lawyers, academics, the general public, and decision-makers, the paper explores how the current law governing cohabitants’ rights upon separation might be amended. The Scottish Law Commission released its “Report on Cohabitation” on November 2, 2022. Following…


What are my rights? Parental rights and responsibilities of a father in Scotland

What do parental rights and responsibilities entail? (PRRs) Parents have a variety of obligations and rights regarding their children, including the duty and the right to protect and advance the health, welfare, and development of the child, have a say in where the child lives, participate in their upbringing, serve as the child’s legal guardian,…


Best interest of the child or the environment?

Family lawyers in Scotland will be familiar with the “bible” known as Greens Family Law, but how environmentally friendly (or unfriendly) is family law? At COP26, the globe was focused on what could be done to motivate rapid climate action because climate change is a hot topic (pardon the pun). We’re all familiar with the…


Specific Issue Orders and other common questions on children and family law

When a child is involved in a difficult dispute, a court order could be necessary to settle the matter. Here are the “specifics” on particular issue orders, regardless of whether the situation involves school, holidays, relocation, or medical intervention. Family lawyers frequently refer to specific issue orders, but what exactly are they? A specific issue…


The cost of living crisis and its affect on child aliment for University students

Halls have been transformed into homes, Freshers Week is over, and the real work needs to begin. A new group of young people has begun their university careers. The present living costs affects everyone, especially students. Unbelievably, many students are voicing concerns about how they will pay their bills. The cost of living while in…