Life After a Breakup: Navigating Emotional and Legal Challenges – Family Law Divorce

Life After a Breakup: Navigating Emotional and Legal Challenges – Family Law Divorce

Scots Law: Live, Laugh, Move On  Breakups are undeniably tough—whether you’ve been together for a few months or many years, the end of a relationship can leave you emotionally shaken. But what happens when the breakup isn’t just an emotional journey, but also a legal one? Scots law has specific provisions around things like property,…

Navigating Child Maintenance with a Solicitor in Scotland: Your Comprehensive Guide

Navigating Child Maintenance with a Solicitor in Scotland: Your Comprehensive Guide

Child maintenance can be a thorny issue for many separated or divorced parents. Ensuring that your child receives the necessary financial support is crucial, but understanding the legal intricacies of child law can be challenging. In Scotland, the role of a child maintenance solicitor is vital in helping parents navigate these waters, and our expert…

What Happens When a Parent Breaches a Child Contact Agreement Over Christmas in Scotland?

What Happens When a Parent Breaches a Child Contact Agreement Over Christmas in Scotland?

Families frequently gather throughout the Christmas season to spend quality time together. However, when parents separate, it can be a source of increased tension and worry, particularly when it comes to child contact arrangements. A breach of a contact agreement—whether it concerns the amount of time children spend with each parent, the location of visits,…

A summary of donor and/or assisted conception methods for starting a family

A summary of donor and/or assisted conception methods for starting a family

Over 3.5 million people in the UK are thought to struggle with infertility. Thankfully, modern science and technology have advanced significantly over the years, and more and more people are now able to become parents with minimal assistance by using donor eggs and sperm and assisted conception techniques like IVF. To make sure you and…

In Scotland how do adoption and fostering differ from one another? 

In Scotland how do adoption and fostering differ from one another? 

Before delving into the distinctions, it is imperative to comprehend the meaning of the phrases “adoption” and “fostering” in Scotland. Fostering Scotland Fostering is the process of placing a child in the care of someone other than their biological parent. For several reasons, the birth parent of the kid has frequently had to temporarily relinquish…

Child Contact Arrangement For The Christmas Period

Child Contact Arrangement For The Christmas Period

Child Contact Arrangements For The Christmas Period Some may argue that it is too early to consider the Christmas holiday season because Halloween was a few short weeks ago. Nevertheless, the navigation of family arrangements is always difficult and further complicated for separated parents in the run-up to Christmas. When determining how time for children…

The Incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – Scotland

The Incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – Scotland

Scotland became the first part of the UK, and devolved nation in the world to directly incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into domestic law. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 (the Act) came into force on 16 July 2024. Across 54 Articles…


What happens to shares upon the death of a Shareholder

Updated 16/04/2024 Questions about what should happen to the assets of a shareholder after death and how they should be distributed to beneficiaries. Here, we will detail four helpful actions to take into account when transferring the shares of a deceased shareholder who has passed away, with business owners and executors in mind. Step 1:…

Understanding the legal implications of IVF and fertility treatments in Scotland

Understanding the legal implications of IVF and fertility treatments in Scotland

For heterosexual couples in the UK, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) estimates that one in seven are affected by infertility. NICE released updated guidelines on the eligibility requirements for patients seeking fertility therapy on February 20, 2013. The recommendations mentioned same-sex couples for the first time, which is thought to represent…