Making sure the turkey is exactly golden brown and that there are enough pigs in blankets for everyone to eat is for some people the most stressful aspect of the festive season. However, for separated families, trying to make the required preparations as to where their kids will spend the holidays and Christmas can be a very stressful and worrisome time.
You need to try to work these things out between the two of you (divorced parents) unless Christmas contact has already been scheduled through a formal agreement or by court order. Simplicity Legal suggests that you discuss the necessary arrangements as soon as possible to avoid confusion in the weeks leading up to the holiday season. In order for everyone to understand where they stand and be able to plan for the big day, try to have a child arrangement order in place before the holiday season. It is important that kids are aware of what is going on and where they should be.
Separated Parents Should Plan Ahead Regarding Christmas Contact
It’s vital to keep in mind that no two families are identical, and there are no set guidelines for how to schedule the time spent with the kids over Christmas. The decisions that are made must be in the children’s best interests, and if at all possible, you should consult the kids on your decision-making process. However, you should make it obvious that there may need to be some negotiations. For instance, some families decide to switch their kids between homes on Christmas Day at a certain time so that both parents can spend time with the kids on the actual holiday. Some families decide to keep the kids in one home on Christmas Day and transfer them to the other home on Boxing Day. You can make the arrangements as open or formal as you like.
In the weeks prior to Christmas, you should also consider whether your regular contact schedule has to be adjusted. You should also think about any “emergency preparations” that could be necessary if, for instance, bad weather makes travel difficult or impossible. In an emergency, parents must be able to get in touch with one another or other family members.
Get in touch with Simplicity Legal as soon as possible if you need legal advice concerning Christmas contact and would like an expert legal solicitor. Please call 0141 465 5743 or email a member of the family law team for more details and advice.